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Minister Creed announces public consultation on Inshore Fisheries Strategy


The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed, announced his intention to launch a public consultation on the Inshore Fisheries Strategy following a proposal made by the National Inshore Fisheries Forum. The consultation process will be open for a seven week period and is due to close on Friday 17th August 2018.

The proposed strategy will frame the work of the Inshore Forums over the next number of years. It follows an extensive consultation process involving the National and Regional Inshore Fisheries Forums who have been instrumental in supporting initiatives that seek to cultivate a more sustainable, profitable and well-managed inshore fisheries sector. This is the first time in the history of the State that inshore fishermen have set about developing a sector-specific strategy for themselves.

Minister Creed said:

 I am delighted to announce a public consultation today on the first Inshore Fisheries Strategy. I welcome the crucial role that the Inshore Fisheries Forums have played in its development and I am pleased that the Forum members are continuing to take the lead when it comes to engaging with issues that affect the inshore sector. I would like to thank BIM for facilitating the Forums in undertaking this task.

The development of an inshore strategy will underpin a sustainable inshore fisheries sector and afford an opportunity to target funding support available under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund to where it can be most effectively used.

Commenting on the Strategy consultation the Minister said:

This is an opportunity for all interested parties to contribute their views on the development of the first strategic plan for the inshore sector. It is critical that stakeholders have their views considered as this Strategy will frame the work of the Inshore Forums over the next number of years and provide a clear direction for the development of the inshore sector. I am encouraging interested parties to submit their views on the Strategy by Friday 17th August.

Interested parties are invited to view and complete the consultation available on the website below: