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Minister Creed pays tribute to Joey Murrin

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed, today paid tribute to Joey Murrin. Minister Creed said

"I was saddened this morning to hear of the passing of Joey Murrin, the iconic leader of the Irish Fishing Industry for over three decades. Joey became the fishermen's champion, known throughout the country and widely in Europe. He very effectively fought for fishermen's causes throughout the 70's, 80's and 90's and many in the Industry today owe much to the work that Joey carried out on their behalf ".

The Minister added

"Joey's very warm and distinctive voice on Irish radio, arguing the fishermen's cause, became part of the soundtrack of people's lives over many years and raised the profile of his industry inestimably.”

The Minister went on to say that

"in later years, after Joey's retirement, he kept an active interest in the fishing industry and was never afraid to speak out on issues that concerned him. In particular, he continually represented the needs of all in his home town of Killybegs and the wider Donegal community.”

Minister Creed concluded

"Joey helped to steer and develop the Irish Fishing Industry in the early years of EU membership and played no small part in ensuring the development of the modern fishing industry. His family and friends can take some comfort on this sad day from the successes he delivered over a lifetime of selfless commitment to the fishing industry.”