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Minister Creed provides Brexit update and focuses on preparedness at Stakeholders Consultative Committee Meeting

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed T.D., today chaired the 11th meeting of the Brexit Stakeholders Consultative Committee.  Minister Creed established the Consultative Committee as a vehicle to keep stakeholders informed of developments during the EU/UK negotiation process, while at the same time eliciting from them their major concerns and recommendations. The exchanges have fed into the whole-of-Government approach to the negotiations, coordinated by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

Minister Creed said that today’s meeting provided him with an opportunity to further emphasise the fact that his Department, again in line with the whole-of-Government approach to Brexit, has been focusing on the actions required to prepare for a potential disorderly Brexit, and to effectively communicate the position to stakeholders.

The Minister said:

While ratification of the Withdrawal Agreement is still the Government’s priority, we will continue our preparations for all scenarios, including a no-deal Brexit. This work is ongoing, and includes all Government Departments and Agencies. We are, in particular, increasing communications with our stakeholders and with the wider public, by setting out what we are currently doing, and more importantly, what steps need to be taken between now and 29 March. The prospect of a no-deal Brexit presents enormous challenges for our agri-food and fisheries sectors, and we need to be as prepared as we can be to meet those challenges.


Minister Creed gave details of the recently updated Department Brexit website, which reflects in particular the position for agri-food and fisheries operators who will be trading with and through the UK after 29 March, and is also accessible through the central Government Brexit website. He also announced the setting up of a Brexit Call Centre within his Department and a dedicated 'Brexitcall' email address to allow enquiries to be dealt with. In addition, the Department will increase its communication activity on social media and the relevant line Divisions will be sending focused Trader Notices to their respective stakeholders.

Officials from both the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine gave detailed presentations on the current state of play in the negotiations and also on the range of controls that will be required to be implemented on imports of live animals, plants, and products of animal and plant origin when the UK becomes a third country.

Concluding, the Minister said:

No matter what kind of Brexit takes place, things are going to change. We will be doing all we can to minimise the impact and to inform stakeholders. I would in turn urge all operators in the sector to prepare themselves by examining their supply chains, by getting assistance from agencies such as Bord Bia and BIM and by engaging with the communications channels being provided by my Department.

Notes for Editors:

Communications from the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine in relation to disorderly Brexit planning include the following:

Brexitcall email address:

Call Centre Number:               076-1064443 (available from Monday 4 March)


Twitter:                                    @agriculture_ie  

Specific Trader Notices:          Being sent by Department to stakeholders


This latest practical advice from the Government will be hosted on the Government’s main website This central website will be kept updated with the latest information.

The advice covers a range of areas under the main headings Brexit and Business, and Brexit and You:


Brexit & Business

•           Administration & Banking

•           Supply Chain

•           Certification, Regulation & Licencing

•           Data Protection

•           Trading with the UK

•           Transport & Logistics

•           Staffing

•           Research & Analysis

•           Programmes, Funds & Supports

Brexit & You

•           Daily Life

•           Living & Working

•           Studying

•           Travelling & Visiting

•           Legal Matters & Rights



The information will explain the different ways that the UK decision to leave the EU may impact on businesses and citizens.