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Minister Daly attending the launch of SeniorLine

Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People Jim Daly T.D. today spoke at the launch of Third Age’s ‘SeniorLine’.
SeniorLine, formerly known as Senior Help Line is a national confidential listening service provided by trained volunteers and is now open every day of the year from 10am to 10pm. The trained volunteers are older people who listen to and talk to older people who may be experiencing a difficulty, or who simply want someone to have a friendly chat with.
Speaking at the event Minister Daly commended the service provided by Third Age, and noted how important it can be for some older people, saying “The service provided through your organisation can be a lifeline for some older people who may otherwise feel isolated and lonely. Friendship and support are key to improving quality of life.”
Minister Daly highlighted the benefits to older people of the listening service and said “Providing a friendly listening service can enable older people to feel connected to others and is a way for people to open up about difficulties they may experience, knowing that there is an empathetic ear on the other end of the phone. What is so appealing about this service is that it is older people listening to older people, which I know is an aspect that is valued by those who use the service. It gives older people the facility to connect with others to talk through problems, in confidence with trained volunteers and feel supported.”
Minister Daly thanked the volunteers for their dedication, the HSE who provide core funding, and the Atlantic Philanthropies for supporting the development of the service, and wished the Senior Line every continued success.