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Minister Deenihan launches Global Irish Media Fund

Minister also announces pilot summer camp programme for summer 2016

The Minister for Diaspora Affairs, Jimmy Deenihan TD, today (Saturday) launched two new initiatives, the Global Irish Media Fund and a pilot summer camp programme, designed to enhance connections with the Irish diaspora.

Speaking at the Global Irish Economic Forum, Minister Deenihan said:

"I am delighted to launch these initiatives as part of the Government’s commitment to strengthening links with the diaspora. The Global Irish Media Fund will support media professionals to bring to life stories of the diaspora experience, while our pilot summer camp programme will allow the next generation of the global Irish to connect with the country of their ancestors.’

“The Global Irish Media Fund will encourage quality reporting of all aspects of the Irish emigrant experience. The successes and the challenges of our emigrants, both recent and distant, are of interest to Irish people and the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade wishes to facilitate more reporting of these stories.”

The Global Irish Media Fund will support news organisations and journalists to tell stories from, and about, the Irish abroad and the impact of emigration on those at home. The deadline for applications for 2016 funding is 5pm on 15 January 2016.

Minister Deenihan added:

“The pilot summer camp programme will provide younger members of the Irish diaspora with the opportunity to visit Ireland on a short immersive visit in the summer of 2016. The programme will be primarily educational in nature and designed to encourage students to develop a deeper connection with Ireland.”

Summer camp programme participants will have the opportunity to travel to visit rural and urban areas, to learn about the country’s history and to experience the modern face of Ireland. For this pilot phase the programme will be available to high school students aged 15 - 17 years based in the US only.

Notes for editors:

• Further details on the Global Irish Media Fund are available here:
• Further details on the summer camp programme will be announced in December 2015.
• In December the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade will tender for an external partner to assist with the administration of the programme.