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Minister Denis Naughten announces funding for local environmental initiatives

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Denis Naughten, is pleased to announce the succesful projects which will receive funding from the 2018 Local Agenda 21 (LA21) Environmental Partnership Fund.  This fund supports local environmental initiatives by communities, individuals and not-for-profit groups. A total of 880 projects in every corner of Ireland will receive funding in the 2018 funding round.

In 2017, Minister Naughten secured increased funding for the LA21 Scheme of €460,000 and maintained this increased level of funding for 2018. Funding provided by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment is matched by local authorities, and projects may also attract funding from other sources.  A total of €453,000 of the available €460,000 was drawn down by local authorities. The €453,000 drawn from the Department is matched by local authorities and also supplemented by the applicants own funding and other sources giving a total investment of over €1.5m in 2018.

Announcing the projects receiving funding through the 2018 Scheme Minister Naughten stated:

I am delighted to announce that 880 projects will receive funding from the 2018 Local Agenda 21 Environmental Partnership Fund. These projects are small scale local projects which will impact communities throughout Ireland. I would like to commend those applicants who were successful in receiving funding and to wish them every success in achieving their goals to improve the sustainability of their local environment. These projects showcase how small changes at a local level can make lasting improvements to the environment we all must share and protect.

Eligible projects are those that will support and complement, at local level, national environmental policies such as those on Waste, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Air, Water and Sustainable Development.  A wide variety of projects received support in 2018 including, among others, community gardens, allotments, tidytowns groups, compost schemes, rainwater harvesting schemes and educational initiatives.

Further information on the LA21 Environmental Partnership Fund and a list of projects receiving funding in 2018 can be obtained from the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment website: