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Minister Denis Naughten announces Ireland to join Powering Past Coal Alliance

20180312 Naughten

Ministers Denis Naughten and Canadian Environment Minister Catherine McKenna meeting in Toronto.

Speaking from Toronto the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Denis Naughten TD has announced that Ireland is joining the Powering Past Coal Alliance.

The Powering Past Coal Alliance is a global initiative which brings together a wide range of governments, businesses, and organizations that are united in taking action to accelerate clean growth and climate protection through the rapid phase-out of traditional coal power.

Launched jointly by Canada and the UK in November 2017, the Alliance unites a wide range of states, sub-national authorities and businesses behind the objective of rapidly phasing out coal power in a sustainable and economically inclusive manner.

The commitment in Ireland’s National Development Plan 2018-2027 to the conversion of Moneypoint Power Station to end the burning of coal by 2025 marks the end of the role of coal in Irish power generation and aligns Irish policy firmly with the objectives of the Alliance.

Minister Naughten made the announcement following his meeting with Canadian Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Catherine McKenna in Toronto. Minister Naughten is visiting Canada as part of the Government’s St. Patrick’s Day 2018 international programme promoting Ireland abroad.

“I was really pleased to inform my Canadian counterpart Catherine McKenna in person here in Toronto that Ireland is joining the Powering Past Coal Alliance.  Converting Moneypoint and ending the burning of coal builds on a commitment in Ireland’s National Mitigation Plan. As one of Ireland’s biggest emitters, the conversion also represents another step towards the achievement of the long-term objective to reduce our CO2 emissions of at least 80% by 2050 across the electricity generation, built environment and transport sectors.”

The importance of the Alliance at a global level is significant added Minister Naughten.

“Ireland is demonstrating our support for the transition away from coal power to the international community. We are joining with Canada, the UK, and the other members of the Alliance in encouraging others to accelerate the elimination of coal power.”

Minister Catherine McKenna has warmly welcomed Ireland’s decision to join the Powering Past Coal Alliance.

“Phasing out traditional coal-fired electricity will help countries like Canada and Ireland become leaders in clean growth. This not only strengthens our economies, but it reduces carbon pollution and provides huge human health benefits. It's simply the right thing to do to ensure a better future for our children and grandchildren, and we applaud Ireland in joining the Powering Past Coal Alliance.”