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Minister Denis Naughten & Minister Josepha Madigan Joint Statement on Publication of Report on RTÉ Orchestras

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Denis Naughton and the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht Josepha Madigan have welcomed the publication by RTÉ of the report on RTÉ Orchestras Ensuring a sustainable future by Helen Boaden and Mediatique.

The Ministers welcomed the recommendations in the report, in particular the recommendation that the National Symphony Orchestra should be a national cultural institution in its own right or within the National Concert Hall. The report also states that the National Concert Orchestra should remain with RTÉ functioning as a classic radio orchestra. The importance of maintaining a strong connection between both orchestras is also recognised.

Minister Madigan stated

“I believe it is important that there is strong provision of orchestral music in Ireland and this report allows us to chart a way forward for both orchestras - securing a strong future and ensuring that they can contribute fully to Ireland’s rich cultural heritage. The report is also timely – the Government’s Creative Ireland programme commits to a range of important initiatives to support culture and creativity in Ireland,  and our 10 year National Development Plan, envisages major capital investment in our National Cultural Institutions, including a major re-development of the National Concert Hall. The National Concert Hall since it opened has been the home of the National Symphony Orchestra which provides the backbone to the Hall’s orchestral music programme. There is now an opportunity for the NSO to play an even stronger role as part of these wider developments.”

Minister Naughton stated

“I welcome the recognition by the report of the desirability of a renewed focus on the educational role of the orchestras and the importance of serving regional audiences. In conjunction with the Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, I am looking forward to advancing the recommendations of the report.”

The Ministers have requested officials from their Departments to engage with RTÉ with a view to bringing forward proposals to address the recommendations as a matter of priority.