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Minister Denis Naughten T.D. formally completed Ireland’s Ratification of the Paris Agreement by depositing Ireland’s Instrument of Ratification with the UN on Friday November 4th 2016

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action & Environment Denis Naughten T.D. formally completed Ireland’s Ratification of the Paris Agreement by depositing Ireland’s Instrument of Ratification with the UN on Friday November 4th 2016. To the right of the Minister (holding the Instrument) is the Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and UN Legal Counsel, Miguel de Serpa Soares. To the far rights is Santiago Villalpando, Chief of the Treaty Section of the UN Office of Legal Affairs.

More information on Ireland’s Ratification of the Paris Agreement can be accessed at the following links:áil%20Éireann%20approval%20for%20Paris%20Agreement%20on%20Climate%20Change.aspx’s-ratification-of-the-Paris-Agreement-on-Climate-Change-.aspx