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Minister Denis Naughten to address United Nations on Ireland’s progress on implementing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Denis Naughten will address the United Nations today where he will present Ireland’s progress report on the implementation of the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals.

Heads of State and Ministers from 193 countries are attending the high level meeting in New York which is reviewing the implementation on a global scale of the Sustainable Development Goals.

The Goals, which were adopted in 2015, are the most ambitious set of global commitments ever agreed by United Nations member states, and provide a framework for achieving a peaceful, just, prosperous and sustainable planet by 2030.

Minister Naughten is leading Ireland’s delegation and he will present Ireland’s first progress report or ‘Voluntary National Review’ to the United Nations High-level Political Forum taking place this week in New York.

Minister Naughten has lead responsibility for promoting and overseeing national implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on a whole-of-Government basis. His address will outline Ireland’s progress on implementing the 17 Goals.

Ireland is one of 47 countries that volunteered to present their Review this week at the UN. Minister Naughten will provide an overview of Ireland’s progress to date towards meeting the 17 SDGs at a national level, and how we are supporting the SDGs’ globally, particularly through the work of Irish Aid.

Minister Naughten will report that Ireland is performing above the EU average in relation to the SDGs which address poverty reduction, health, education, economic growth and employment, innovation, sustainable cities, and peace, justice and public institutions.

Ireland has committed to report on its implementation every two years either at national or global level from now until 2030 to ensure focus and momentum is maintained.

The Sustainable Development Goals set out a bold vision for a better world by 2030. A world that’s safer, fairer, sustainable, and more prosperous. As a nation, Ireland was instrumental in getting the goals agreed. My focus now is on getting them implemented and I am looking forward to sharing our experience and presenting our progress to date on a global stage at the United Nations,

stated Minister Naughten.

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