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Minister Donnelly welcomes new maternity and gynaecology facilities at the Rotunda Hospital

Today, Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly TD formally launched new facilities at the Rotunda Hospital, including two new operating theatres, additional delivery suites, as well as an ambulatory gynaecology unit. 

These facilities were developed as part of the new three-storey extension on the Parnell Square campus, notwithstanding the pressures of the COVID-19 pandemic over the past 20 months. In addition, a new Regional Fertility Hub has also been established at the Rotunda in that time as part of the roll out of the Model of Care for Infertility.

Minister Donnelly said: We are now seeing the roll out of new models of care for ambulatory gynaecology and infertility, which began last year and which will continue over the next few years. Recent developments, particularly in relation to the roll out of ambulatory gynaecology “see and treat” clinics, including here at the Rotunda, will help to ensure a sustainable gynaecology service with improved access and reduced waiting lists”.

The development of ambulatory gynaecology “see and treat” clinics will help to improve access to gynaecology services; reduce the requirement for multiple gynaecology appointments; ensure sustainability of service provision into the future given the very significant waiting lists for this specialty; and importantly, will help improve clinical outcomes for women.

Minister Donnelly said: “This Government is committed to promoting Women’s Health and service developments such as those we see here today at the Rotunda are a tangible representation of this commitment. The significant additional funding for Women’s Health that was announced in Budget 2022 is further evidence of our support for improving Women’s Health services, both in terms of continuing to improve existing services, such as maternity, and in developing new services such as ambulatory gynaecology, endometriosis and specialist menopause clinics.”