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Minister Donohoe and Secretary General Watt announce the winners of the 2017 Civil Service Excellence and Innovation Awards


The Minister Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe, TD, was joined by the Secretary General of the Department of Public Expenditure & Reform, Robert Watt earlier this week to announce the winners of the 2017 Civil Service Excellence and Innovation Awards. The Awards were established under the Civil Service Renewal Programme to recognise the achievements of civil servants and showcase examples of best practice and innovation in Government Departments and Offices.

Speaking at the Awards ceremony held in the Royal Hospital Kilmainham that was attended by the shortlisted project teams from across the civil service, Minister Donohoe said:

‘These Awards gives us a rare opportunity to come together and reflect on the successes and recognise the excellent work that is happening throughout the civil service. The award categories themselves demonstrate the complex and diverse nature of the work of Government Departments and Offices’.

Reflecting on the challenges facing the civil service to deliver in the future, the Minister also said:

‘A key strength is the staff that make up the civil service and this is reflected in the success of the shortlisted projects. The Irish civil service compares very well with public administrations in other countries and it is recognised by our international stakeholders as a quality public administration’.

Secretary General Watt said:

‘Ireland has all the hallmarks of a professional civil service which continues to learn and develop. We have shown over time that we can adapt and respond to challenging circumstances and embrace change and reform. Looking ahead to the future, the civil service must continue to innovate’.

The winners are

  • Citizen Impact

Enhanced Online Services for Customers – Office of the Revenue Commissioners

  • Excellence In Customer Service

Social Insurance Statement - a MyWelfare Online service – Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection

  • Excellence In Policy

National Cancer Strategy 2017-2026 – Department of Health

  • Excellence In Innovation

A New Model for Allocating Special Education Teachers to Schools – Department of Children and Youth Affairs; Department of Health and Department of Education and Skills

  • Digital Excellence

High Speed Broadband Map – Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment

  • Research, Analytics, and Insight

MÉRA, (Met Éireann ReAnalysis) – Met Éireann, Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government

  • Excellence Through Collaboration

Farm Hazardous Waste Collection Scheme 2015-2016 – Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine; Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment

  • Excellence in People, Skills and Organisational Development

Better Data/Better Lives, Delivery of Statistical and Analytical Expertise to the Civil Service – Central Statistics Office

  • Leading Civil Service Renewal

Build to Share Applications – Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform

  • World Class Civil Service

Online Passport Renewal – Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

Note to editors:

The Awards were established under the Civil Service Renewal Plan. More information on the Plan is available here. 74 nominations were received from across the civil service and 30 projects were shortlisted. There were 10 award winning projects.

More information about the Awards and the shortlisted nominations are here and also here.