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Minister Donohoe announces release of €16 million of National Lottery money to support COVID-19 health efforts

Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe TD, today (Wednesday) welcomed the allocation of an additional €16m of National Lottery historic expired unclaimed prize money to Good Causes. This funding will be used to support the health sector respond to the COVID-19. The money was held in the National Lottery Fund, which is managed and controlled by the National Lottery Regulator and will now be transferred by the Regulator to the Exchequer.

Commenting on this development, Minister Donohoe said:

I am pleased that the €16 million of historic expired prizes has become available to support investments in health at a time of unprecedented national crisis due to COVID-19.

National Lottery CEO, Andrew Algeo said:

All of us at the National Lottery are delighted to see this €16 million used to improve health in our communities. PLI has been pleased to work together with the Regulator to make these funds available at this time. Thanks to our players the National Lottery raised over €250m for thousands of Good Causes in 2019 and perhaps more than ever, plays a vital role in supporting clubs, charities and great causes across the country

Over €5.5 billion has been raised for use by Good Causes since the National Lottery commenced operations in 1987. The sectoral areas funded by Good Causes are set out in the National Lottery Act, 2013 and include health of the community.