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Minister Donohoe appoints three new members to the Central Bank Commission

The Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe TD has today (Wednesday) announced the appointments of Shay Cody, Sarah Keane and Professor David Miles to the Central Bank Commission, following a decision taken at Cabinet yesterday.

These appointments will come into effect from 1st December 2020.

The Central Bank Commission is responsible for management and control of the affairs and activities of the Central Bank, ensuring that the Central Bank’s financial regulation and central banking functions are coordinated and integrated, and ensuring that the statutory powers and functions conferred on the Central Bank are properly exercised and discharged.

These appointments are for five years. They bring the number of appointed members of the Commission to six and ensure an appropriate balance of skills, experience and gender balance on the Commission.

Mr Shay Cody and Professor David Miles have been selected following the completion of a process run by the Public Appointments Service.

Minister Donohoe sought agreement from Government to appoint Ms Sarah Keane, by availing of the derogation in the process of making appointments to State Boards.

These appointments are in line with the requirement to have regard to the skills, diversity and gender mix within State Boards in the Government’s recently published Annex on Gender Balance, Diversity and Inclusion Reform

These appointments will bring the gender balance of the Minister’s appointed members of the Central Bank Commission to 50% male and 50% female.

Speaking today Minister Donohoe said:

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Shay Cody, Sarah Keane and Professor David Miles to the Central Bank Commission. These appointments underpin the maintenance of good corporate governance in the Central Bank and also address skills mix, gender balance and diversity within the Central Bank Commission.