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Minister Donohoe joins RSA in calling for motorists to be drink aware over Christmas & New Year

284,000 drivers admit to drink driving in last 12mths

150 drivers arrested each week for driving under the influence

Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Paschal Donohoe TD, today (Thursday) joined the Road Safety Authority (RSA) and An Garda Síochána in calling for motorists to be drink aware as they launched the Christmas and New Year Road Safety Campaign 2015/2016; the focus of which is on drink driving.


284,000 drivers, or 1 in 10, have admitted to consuming alcohol before driving in the past 12 months, according to a survey of driver attitudes conducted on behalf of the Road Safety Authority (RSA). The shocking figures were revealed at the launch of the annual Christmas and New Year Road Safety Campaign, today Thursday 26th November 2015.


Furthermore, of those who admitted to drink driving, almost 2 out of 5 said they had consumed two or more drinks. The research shows that the incidence of alcohol consumption is much higher among males, those who drive for work and those who have had a collision/near miss in recent years. They are also likely to be high speeding and rule violators.


Preliminary enforcement figures released by An Garda Síochána also highlight the extent of the drink driving problem in Ireland almost 6,000 people have been arrested on suspicion of driving whilst intoxicated for the period January –October 2015. The vast majority of the arrests were male and nearly half of those arrests occurred on a Saturday or Sunday. Of those over the limit, more than half were between 20-39 years of age.


Speaking at the launch of the annual festive road safety campaign, Minister for Transport, Tourism and Sport, Mr. Paschal Donohoe said: ‘While the number of people admitting to drink driving is shocking it is important to acknowledge that the vast majority of people in our society choose not to drink and drive. However we still have much to do to completely eliminate the scourge of drink driving from our community. For anyone contemplating getting into the car after consuming alcohol I want to remind you of Gillian Treacy’s heart-breaking victim impact statement. Gillian’s description of the crash which resulted in the death of her four year old son Ciaran, must serve as a constant reminder of the very serious and devastating consequences of drink driving. It is a behaviour that must no longer be tolerated in our community.’




Chief Superintendent Mark Curran, Garda National Traffic Bureau, An Garda Síochána said: “An Garda Síochána will be increasing the number of Mandatory Alcohol Testing checkpoints around the county over the next six weeks because the temptation for people to get into the car is increased after consuming alcohol.. My message to those drivers is ‘don’t do it - never, ever drink and drive’, because the consequences for you and others could be very serious. At best you risk losing your licence – at worst you could have to live with the guilt of being responsible for someone’s death or serious injury”


Chief Superintendent Mark Curran also reminded drivers that “the powers of An Garda Síochána enable us to breath test any driver who has committed a road traffic offence. So for example, if you are detected driving in a bus lane, or using a mobile phone you can be tested for the presence of alcohol.” He also added that “the Gardai will be targeting drink driving the morning after. This still remains a danger time zone as 12% of all drink driving arrests occur between 8am and 2pm. Of those, almost a third happen on a Sunday, peaking between 11am and 2pm.”


To raise awareness of the Christmas & New Year Anti-Drink Driving Campaign, the RSA and An Garda Síochána have produced a short information video which clearly shows what a driver can expect if caught drink driving. In the scenario shown, a driver who is detected driving illegally in a Bus Lane in the morning rush hour is breath tested, fails, is arrested and taken to Store Street Garda Station. The video will be promoted online and though social media.


  1. The campaign includes a 30 second online video, radio ad and washroom poster.



*Study conducted by Behaviour & Attitudes of 1,061 drivers on behalf of the RSA in November 2014.



Notes to editor


Gender of drink driving prosecutions







% of drink driving prosecutions per age group January –October 2015











80 or over






Day and time of the week of drink driving arrests where the driver was over the limit
















  • All figures are provisional, operational and subject to change