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Minister Donohoe provides additional CRSS support following Govt decision to postpone reopening of indoor dining

Following the announcement today (Tuesday), that the re-opening of indoor dining will not proceed as planned, pending the implementation of a system to verify vaccination or immunity, the Minister for Finance, Paschal Donohoe TD, has confirmed that businesses who remain closed or significantly restricted under the public health restrictions may make a claim for additional CRSS support from 5th July for two weeks. The Scheme will be amended to allow for a double week payment from the week commencing 5th July for a period of two weeks subject to the statutory cap of €5,000 per week.
All businesses benefiting from this additional support will still qualify for the enhanced restart payment under CRSS once they can reopen.

Revenue has published an overview of the scheme with detailed guidance and examples on

Minister Donohoe said:

‘The Covid Restrictions Support Scheme (CRSS) has been an extremely successful intervention by the Government to provide support to over 22,000 businesses whose customers are prevented from accessing their premises because of public health restrictions’.

“I know this has been a really difficult time for many and it is very difficult for businesses who are being asked to remain closed for a further period to help us to get ahead of this virus and protect lives. Additional support is payable under the Scheme of a double payment of CRSS support for a period of two weeks subject to the statutory maximum payment of €5,000 per week. This will be payable for the weeks 5th to 19th July. The CRSS is just one part of the Government’s supports, which also include the wage subsidy schemes and temporary reduction in the VAT rate.”

The CRSS is a targeted support for businesses directly impacted by restrictions introduced by the Government under public health regulations to combat the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic with the result that they have to temporarily close or significantly restrict access to their premises. Under the Scheme, qualifying businesses can apply to the Revenue Commissioners for a cash payment in respect of an Advance Credit for Trading Expenses for the period of the restrictions.

**Recent announcements – Economic Recovery Plan**
On 1st June, the Government announced that the CRSS will be continued to the end of 2021 for those businesses that are still directly affected by public health restrictions that may remain in place. The qualification criteria will remain unchanged, and will apply to companies, self-employed individuals and partnerships who carry on a trade or trading activities, the profits from which are chargeable to tax under Case I of Schedule D, from a business premises located in a region subject to restrictions introduced in line with the Living with Covid-19 Plan.

The CRSS is administered by Revenue and takes the form of an Advance Credit for Trading Expenses. The amount paid is 10% of the average weekly turnover of the business in 2019 up to €20,000, plus 5% on turnover over €20,000, subject to a maximum weekly payment of €5,000.

**Enhanced Restart payments for CRSS**
An enhanced Restart Payment is being introduced for businesses availing of CRSS who can re-open from 2nd June. They will be eligible to claim an enhanced restart payment of three weeks at double rate of payment paid in one ‘restart week payment’ as they exit the scheme. The statutory maximum payment will be increased from €5,000 per week to €10,000 per week for this restart payment. This means that businesses opening from 2nd June will receive a maximum of €30,000 restart payment calculated with reference to the average weekly turnover of the business in 2019.

This measure will provide certainty to businesses as they re-open and incentivise them to exit the scheme and return to trading as early as possible.
