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Minister Donohoe publishes the Revised Estimates for Public Services 2020

The Minister for Finance and Public Expenditure and Reform, Paschal Donohoe TD, today (Wednesday) published the Revised Estimates for Public Services 2020 (REV). The REV was presented to the House of the Oireachtas today and has been sent to Committee Stage by the Dáil. As in previous years, the REV provides additional details and information in relation to the allocations contained in the 2020 Budget Estimates, which were set out in the Expenditure Report 2020 published on Budget Day, 8th October 2019. The REV also gives summary detail in respect of the forecast outturn for spending in 2019. 

The REV sets out a gross total expenditure estimate of €70.4 billion in 2020. Of this, gross current spend is €62.2 billion and gross capital spend is €8.2 billion. Net voted spending is €57 billion representing an increase of under €0.1 billion on the Estimates published on Budget day.

As in previous years, the REV also includes performance information, which provides details on the public service outputs and outcomes that are being delivered with public funds and include indicators relating to equality objectives for a number of Departments.

As is usual, there are a number of post Budget technical and policy adjustments included in the REV. The technical adjustments include a timing related cash cost of €9 million arising in 2020 due in part to the leap year that reverses in 2021. The REV also includes additional expenditure amounts, for various Departments, funded from the Dormant Accounts Fund that do not impact on overall net voted expenditure. In aggregate, an amount of just over €15 million is provided at a gross level across the Justice, Defence, Social Protection, Transport and Communications Vote Groups, with this amount offset by appropriations in aid of an equivalent amount. 

There are also a number of adjustments to reflect certain changes since Budget day including policy adjustments. This includes €58 million for the Department of Health that will support greater access to services for patients; particularly during the very challenging winter period. The funding will be used to open additional hospital beds and provide transitional and residential nursing home support scheme spaces. Inclusive in the additional amount for the Department of Health is funding for a package of health and wellbeing supports for former residents of certain institutions and also funding to provide further support for palliative care.

Other amendments include additional funding of €10 million for Children and Youth Affairs in respect of the Affordable Childcare Scheme, further funding for Irish Water of €4 million, an additional €10 million in funding to broadcasting, and funding of €9 million to advance the Financial Management Shared Services project.