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Minister English Gives Notice to Sign Order to Increase Pay for Contract Cleaning Services

Minister English Gives Notice to Sign Order to Increase Pay for Contract Cleaning Services

 8 December 2020

Minister for Business, Employment and Retail Damien English T.D., has today (Tuesday 8th December) indicated his intention to sign an Employment Regulation Order (ERO) for the Contract Cleaning Industry, which provides for a pay increase for the sector.

The Order, which will revoke the one that is in place for the sector since 27th October 2016, will provide for a new hourly pay rate of €11.20 applicable from the 18th of December 2020. 

A worker who has not attained the age of 18 years shall be remunerated at an hourly rate of pay that is not less than 70% of the rate specified above.   A worker who has attained the age of 18 years but has not attained the age of 19 years shall be remunerated at an hourly rate of pay that is not less than 80% of the rate specified above.

A worker who has attained the age of 19 years but has not attained the age of 20 years shall be remunerated at an hourly rate of pay that is not less than 90% of the rate specified above.

In addition to the pay increase the Joint Labour Committee (JLC) have agreed new procedures to apply in the industry in relation to the following:


  • Annual Leave Balance: procedure in relation to the provisions by employers on requests by employees, of a written up to date holiday balance.
  • Pay slips: standardisation of pay slips in relation to the information provided will make it easier for employers to understand what is required and employees to read and understand their wages.  Therefore, any queries about wages can easily be identified and rectified by the employer.  This will make the process more efficient from the employees’ point on view and save on the employer’s time, resources and, ultimately, cost.
  • Facilities on site for cleaning operatives: This sets out minimum workplace facilities for cleaners, which should be provided on sites in conjunction with clients.
  • Overtime: There is also a change in overtime arrangements in this proposed ERO.

Minister English said: ‘I am very pleased to have signed this Employment Regulation Order into effect. It will see the pay of contract cleaning workers increase.  The Contract Cleaning Joint Labour Committee is a good example of how effective the reformed Joint Labour Committee system can be when representatives of employees and employers can agree a commonality of purpose in a sector.

I would like to thank the members of the Joint Labour Committee, the Labour Court and those interested parties who made submissions as part of the public consultation for their contributions to this process. This process sits very much within the context of Ireland's voluntarist system of industrial relations.

I’d like to recognise also the work performed by those working in the contract cleaning sector.  This work has become even more crucial since the arrival of Covid-19 and often those providing contract cleaning services have found themselves on the front line of our efforts to supress the virus. 

I believe that the Joint Labour Committees are a robust way of ensuring fair terms and conditions such as wage rates, sick pay etc. For employers, they offer flexibility to agree on work practices, pay and conditions which are custom made to their industry.”