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Minister English opens Rapid Build Homes

Speaking at the opening of a new housing development today (30 May, 2018) at George’s Place, Dun Laoghaire, The Minister for Housing and Urban Development, Mr. Damien English, T.D congratulated Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council on delivering this very welcome addition to the social housing stock in the heart of Dun Laoghaire.

As the Council has already allocated these houses, the next few weeks will see George’s Place take on a life of its own with 12 new 2 bedroom houses being tenanted in the former Council Depot and Fire Station.

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council has been actively engaging with DHPLG on a strong pipeline of homes across a number of schemes under the Rebuilding Ireland Action Plan. Welcoming the development, the Minister said:

Today is an example of the tireless work being carried out in Local Authorities across the country in implementing the action plan laid out in Rebuilding Ireland.

This project has been delivered by utilising a framework of rapid build contractors which was established by the Office of Government Procurement, which means that Local Authorities across the country can now run quicker procurement competitions and advance rapid build projects to site more effectively and efficiently. While the Rapid Build Housing Programme is being implemented to expedite social housing supply, it should be noted that these homes are being built to the highest construction standards. New rapid delivery construction is a vital part of the programme and 208 new homes have been delivered through this scheme. An additional 24 rapid projects, involving over 650 new homes, are now being advanced, 283 of which are scheduled for delivery in 2018. These 12 homes are the first Rapid Build homes to be delivered under the framework this year.
The total target for all Build programmes in 2018 is 4,969 units, which is more than 50% higher than the corresponding 2017 target. With a significant budget and a huge range of delivery mechanisms in place, and substantial support structures available, Local Authorities are responding to the housing supply challenge and are pushing forward with an ambitious programme of works.

The Minster concluded by commending the elected members and the Chief Executive for their support and commitment to this project and to an ambitious programme to deliver in the coming years under Rebuilding Ireland.