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Minister establishes new process to map the future of a Technological University of the South East

Minister for Education and Skills, Jan O’Sullivan, TD, today established a new process to reinvigorate the technological university of the South East project.

The Minister has appointed Mr. Michael Kelly (see note for editors) to lead a process of consultation with the governing bodies, staff and students in Waterford Institute of Technology and Carlow Institute of Technology in order to develop a shared vision for a technological university in the South East. Mr. Kelly will also be asked to report on the best structure to implement the project and the potential timescale. The Minister has also requested that Mr. Kelly broaden the consultation to ensure that the voice of other social and economic partners in the South East feeds into the process.

Speaking following the Cabinet meeting where the Minister briefed colleagues on the initiative Minister O’Sullivan stated, “Technological universities will make a positive contribution to third-level education in Ireland. Already, two projects, one in Dublin and one in Munster, are well advanced. In addition to providing excellent education opportunities these projects have the capacity to add to the economy and social fabric of both regions. It is the Government’s intention that the South East should also benefit from this process and we are committed to facilitating this goal.

“I firmly believe in the merits of this project for the region and I want to see the process reinvigorated. I fully acknowledge the work that the leadership of both institutions have committed to the project but it’s also true to say that momentum has slipped in recent weeks. I believe asking an experienced, impartial third party to engage with both institutions and the wider community has the capacity to create a clear vision for a technological university in the South East and the contribution it can make to the region. I expect to receive Mr. Kelly’s report in early January.”

Minister O’Sullivan also took the opportunity to pay tribute to the contribution of Dr. Donie Ormonde, who will be stepping down as Chair of Waterford Institute of Technology, to allow for new blood to accompany the new process of consultation which will reinvigorate this process.

Dr. Ormonde feels that he has brought the project as far as he can and believes that the time is now right for a new face to progress it to a successful conclusion.

“Donie Ormonde has left a lasting legacy in Waterford Institute of Technology. His commitment to the institution and to the students and staff in particular has been a hallmark of his tenure at the helm of WIT. Donie leaves WIT with its reputation as a leading third level institution enhanced as both WIT and Carlow now chart a new course for third-level education in the South East.”


Note for Editors:
Michael Kelly is a former Secretary General of the Department of Health.
From 2005 to 2010 he was the Chair of the Higher Education Authority.
Since 2011 he has been Chairperson of the Dublin Technological University Alliance, which has overseen the process that will result in a merger and Technological University application by Dublin Institute of Technology, Institute of Technology Tallaght and Institute of Technology Blanchardstown.