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Minister Finian McGrath opens a dedicated space for the HSE Donegal North-West Early Intervention Team & School Age Team

Minister of State with special responsibility for Disabilities Finian McGrath today officially opened a dedicated space at the Public Services Building Dungloe for the HSE Donegal North-West Network Early Intervention (EIT) and School Age Teams (SAT).
Speaking at the opening, Minister McGrath said, ‘ I am delighted to open this new facility for families and children with additional needs and for the staff working with these children. Often children with additional needs and their parents have to attend a range of appointments (for occupational therapy or speech & language therapy, for example). Having the services co-located in one building will make it easier to coordinate appointments for parents and will facilitate a more cohesive service where therapists can communicate on a routine basis. For the children using the space, it will become a familiar and welcoming place that reduces the need for travel. ’

The Minister said that the opening of the new facility came about as part of the HSE’s national Progressing Disability Services Programme for Children and Young People. “Seeing this facility being officially opened today is such a positive step,” the Minister said. “It embodies the Progressing Disability Services Programme and shows other parts of the country who have yet to make the change that it is possible and most importantly that it works.”