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Minister Finian McGrath welcomes Government approval of €31m additional funding for disability services

Minister Finian McGrath today welcomed additional funding of €28m which has been secured for disability services to address existing financial pressures arising from on-going service improvement. It will cover costs incurred from compliance with national residential standards, services provided to meet the changing needs of people with disabilities, and the provision of emergency residential places.
Underlining its commitment to the disability sector, the Government has also agreed to provide funding of €3m in 2016 for new initiatives, including an additional provision for services to meet the need of school leavers with disabilities and the anticipated cost of a number of emergency residential placements arising this year.
The Minister said, “I am delighted that I have been able to obtain this much needed funding for disability services.
“This Government is committed to providing improved services and supports for people with disabilities. We want to empower them to live independent lives, provide them with greater independence in accessing the services they choose, and enhance their ability to tailor the supports required to meet their needs and plan their lives. Providing people with the means and opportunity to make their own decisions and yet receive support when they need it are critical to our aims. In this context and as one of my early priorities, I am particularly pleased that the additional funding will support the Programme for Government commitment to ensuring that all 18-year-old school leavers with disabilities have access to supports and services which meet their needs, at this crucial transition point in their lives.
“Service providers also need to be able to respond effectively and sensitively when people experience crisis points in their lives and require immediate support. This much needed additional funding will enhance the HSE’ s ability to provide supports in these circumstances.”