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Minister Fitzgerald addresses Interpol General Assembly on measures to combat Transnational Crime

Minister calls for greater co-operation between the police, revenue and social security

Frances Fitzgerald TD, Minister for Justice and Equality, today addressed
the Ministerial meeting of the General Assembly of Interpol in Monaco. The
assembly marked the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Interpol.

The Minister called on delegates to the Assembly to work towards “the
greatest possible level of co-operation between the police, revenue and
social security agencies of each state at national and international level.
Our experience with the Criminal Assets Bureau shows that when these
agencies work together, those engaged in criminal activity can be properly
tackled and brought to justice.”

Speaking at the conference under the theme of “collectively combating
transnational crime” the Minister welcomed international police cooperation
to tackle “criminal activities such as the exploitation of women and
children, human trafficking and drug smuggling.”

The Minister said that “Ireland is not immune from these criminal
activities. Our proximity to mainland Europe coupled with our exposure to
the Atlantic seaboard provide possibilities which global criminal elements
seek to maximise to their own selfish advantage and to the disadvantage of
many others. ”

Minister Fitzgerald spoke of the recent seizure in September of almost €80m
worth of cocaine off the south west coast of Ireland. The Minister noted
that “this is one of the many significant drugs seizures that have been
made in Irish waters in recent years” and that effective international
policing cooperation was “a significant factor in these successful
multi-agency operations.”

The Minister congratulated INTERPOL and all its staff and seconded officers
on their success in developing the links that help to combat transnational
criminal activity. Minister Fitzgerald acknowledged the contribution to
Interpol of Detective Sergeant Michael Moran who is Ireland’s seconded
officer with Interpol and who is now Assistant Director, Human Trafficking
& Child Exploitation Division at Interpol.

Minister Fitzgerald went on to note that constant change is necessary in
the fight against crime and highlighted the reforms that are underway in
Ireland in this regard.

“As Ireland’s Minister for Justice, working with the Commissioner of An
Garda Síochána, our national police service, I am leading a comprehensive
programme of change. Not change for the sake of change. But change with a
deliberate objective of strengthening the openness, accountability and
oversight of policing in Ireland.

- We are establishing a new independent Policing Authority to bring a
further layer of public accountability to the administration of policing
- We have opened up recruitment for the post of Commissioner, head of our
police service, to open, international competition.
- We are strengthening the capacity of the independent Ombudsman Commission
to investigate complaints against the police and we have improved
protections for whistleblowers.

The Minister concluded: In summary, we are introducing reform to ensure
both the public and the officers of our police can have full confidence in
the administration and oversight of policing, and know that is it a
service ready to meet the challenges of 21st century policing.

The full text of the Minster’s address is below.

Tags: Minister Frances Fitzgerald