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Minister Flanagan announces interim arrangements for labour market access for international protection applicants, pending Commission approval of Ireland’s opt in to the EU (recast) Reception Conditions Directive

Opting-in to the EU (recast) Reception Conditions Directive will bring significant positive changes for international protection applicants in Ireland
Interim scheme to apply from 9 February for circa four months

23 January 2018

Today (Tuesday), Minister Flanagan briefed Cabinet on his proposals for temporary interim arrangements for access to the workforce for international protection applicants from February 2018 until the date of entry into force of the EU (recast) Reception Conditions Directive. Government approved the Minister’s proposals for temporary arrangements and shared the Minister’s view that it is essential that Ireland is in a position to meet the EU Commission’s conditions to allow an opt-in.  For this reason, a whole-of-government Implementation Group is working intensively to ensure the State can fully comply with the Directive.

On 30 November 2017, the Supreme Court announced that it would strike down Section 16(3)(b) of the International Protection Act 2015 (the prohibition on access to employment for applicants) on 9 February 2018.  Minister Flanagan noted the steps Ireland had to take following the Supreme Court’s initial decision including a process to agree a whole of government response to the decision; consideration by Cabinet; the passing of motions by the Oireachtas; an application to the European Council and Commission; and then a four month period for the European Commission to confirm following Oireachtas approval. This means it is likely to be June when the Commission completes its process leaving a lacunae from 9 February.   

Speaking after the Cabinet meeting, Minister Flanagan said:

Last November, the Government decided that we would give effect to the Supreme Court judgment by opting into the EU (recast) Reception Conditions Directive and aligning our position with EU norms and standards. The preparations for the opt-in commenced immediately, in tandem with the necessary steps to complete the Oireachtas approval process. I am pleased to say that that approval process is now nearing completion and both Houses of the Oireachtas will consider the matter today following earlier consideration by the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice and Equality.  It is regrettable that it will not be possible for us to have all stages completed, including Commission confirmation of our participation in the Directive by 9 February. For this reason, I proposed temporary measures to Government today to bring greater clarity to applicants who wish to access the workforce during this interim period.  I want to stress that these limited arrangements are temporary in nature and will only operate until all steps are completed to allow opt in to the EU (recast) Reception Conditions Directive.

Government has agreed that from 9 February 2018 until the date of entry into force of the EU Directive:

·The default position will be that all applicants for international protection will be able to access the Employment Permits System of the Department of Business, Enterprise and Innovation on the same basis as other non-EEA nationals;

·Under his discretionary powers, the Minister will introduce an administrative scheme to allow for access to self-employment for eligible applicants (applicants 9 months or more without a first instance decision); and

·The Implementation Group, established by Government, will continue to make all arrangements for the State to opt into the EU (recast) Reception Conditions Directive at the earliest time possible.  

Minister Flanagan reaffirmed the Government’s commitment to opting into the EU Directive at the earliest possible time saying:

“My Government colleagues, Minister Stanton and I are all fully committed to the opt-in to the EU Reception Conditions Directive. The Directive provides enhanced protections and supports for applicants and their families while they await a final decision on their application. It goes beyond the narrow scope of simply providing for access to the labour market, which was all that was required of us by the Supreme Court. Instead, we chose to be ambitious and to align our system with the many important provisions found in the Directive, such as children’s rights, healthcare, education and material reception conditions.   

“We all wish to see this implemented as soon as possible and to ensure that the temporary measures, which we have agreed today, will only apply for the shortest time possible. I can assure applicants and all stakeholders that the Government and I have not changed the agreed permanent response to the Supreme Court judgment; however we must provide for this temporary period while the Oireachtas completes its approval process and before the European Commission can commence its own compliance procedures to confirm our participation in the Directive”.   

An information campaign will be launched shortly to inform applicants, NGOs, employers and all relevant stakeholders of the access arrangements that will apply under the temporary measures announced today. This information will be provided in advance of 9 February.