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Minister Flanagan announces over €1 million in grants at annual Reconciliation Networking Forum

In his opening address this morning to the annual Reconciliation Networking Forum, taking place this year at the Skainos Centre in East Belfast, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan TD, announced funding of over €1 million to 60 organisations working in support of peace and reconciliation.

Announcing the funding, Minister Flanagan said:

“It is vital that the key role civil society plays in furthering peace and reconciliation is acknowledged and celebrated. I am delighted, therefore, to use this opportunity of the annual Forum to announce over €1 million in grants for 60 organisations in support of their important work.

“I want to congratulate the organisations who are being awarded funding in this 2nd round of funding in 2016. This funding is just one aspect of the Irish Government’s ongoing commitment to supporting those who are working so hard to build a reconciled society.”

Today’s Reconciliation Networking Forum will be attended by over 150 delegates, bringing together groups supported by the Reconciliation Fund and other organisations and individuals working on reconciliation on the island of Ireland and on an east-west basis.

Minister Flanagan added:

“Today’s Forum is an opportunity to renew friendships and acquaintances, to hear about best practice, to compare notes on funding and to grapple with some of the more challenging issues that continue to impact on the lives of so many.”

Participants at the Forum will examine the role of civil society in moving away from the legacy of paramiliatarism and will also discuss the role of culture and creativity in deepening understanding and furthering reconciliation.

Note to the editors: 

• The Reconciliation Fund has been in existence since 1982 and was increased significantly following the signing of the Good Friday Agreement. All parties to that Agreement undertook to “positively examine the case for enhanced financial assistance for the work of reconciliation.”
• As a result the Irish Government has provided increased support through the Reconciliation Fund since 1998. In the 2014 Stormont House Agreement, the Government committed to “support measures to promote reconciliation, including through continued annual provision of €2.7m in the Reconciliation Fund”.
• The closing date for the next round of funding is Friday 10th March 2017. Further information and application forms can be found at
• Minister Flanagan's address to the annual Reconciliation Networking Forum can be found at