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Minister Flanagan announces €7.5 million funding for Syrians & meets with EU Commissioner Stylianides

- Minister announces a further €2.5 million in humanitarian assistance to Syria through UN and the Red Cross
- Disburses a further €5m in committed funding to the EU humanitarian response
- Minister emphasises importance of EU cooperation on the humanitarian response & welcomes Commission Stylianides timely visit to Ireland

The Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade Mr. Charlie Flanagan TD, met this morning (Thursday), with Commissioner Christos Stylianides, EU Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management. The meeting focussed on the EU humanitarian response to the migration crisis and in particular on Syria.

Following the meeting, Minister Flanagan said:

“Commissioner Stylianides provided me with a very comprehensive update on the humanitarian situation in Syria and on the EU emergency humanitarian initiative for Aleppo launched this week.

“Our discussions increased my concerns about those living under siege conditions in Aleppo and other parts of Syria. To enhance Ireland’s contribution to meeting the challenges the people of Syria face in accessing food, water and health care, I am today announcing a further €2.5 million in humanitarian assistance to Syria.

“In the last week, Ireland also made its contribution of €5 million to the Turkey Refugee Facility. The funds in this Facility will be channelled to humanitarian organisations to address the basic needs of vulnerable refugees and migrants with a particular emphasis on children. This will bring our total contribution to the Syria crisis since 2012 to over €62 million.

“This funding underlines Ireland’s continued commitment to responding to the humanitarian crisis in Syria and in neighbouring countries for millions of the most vulnerable Syrians, including refugees, internally displaced persons and their host communities.

“Ireland remains committed to the delivery of humanitarian assistance and I have assured Commissioner Stylianides of our ongoing support to the EU humanitarian response across the world and particularly in Aleppo.

“Indeed, it is a prime example of the difference globally that the EU can make through its institutions and Member States.

“The Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) is a key partner for Ireland in our own humanitarian response and so my meeting this morning with Commissioner Stylianides was an important and timely one. I welcome his visit to Ireland at this time when there is huge public concern about the humanitarian crisis in Syria – it is important that there is good public awareness of the work that the European Union is carrying out to alleviate the suffering of the Syrian people.

“Every evening on our television screens we see the human toll which the unprecedented number and scale of humanitarian crises is taking, particularly in Aleppo right now. There is an onus on all of the international community to do what we can to help alleviate this human suffering and Ireland will continue to play its part.

“The Commissioner and I also discussed the current situation regarding the migration crisis and the need to address the root causes of the crisis.”


Press Office
6 October 2016

Notes to Editor:
Humanitarian assistance funding from Ireland in 2015 amounted to over €142 million which accounted for 22% of total Overseas Development Aid. Ireland’s humanitarian assistance funding in 2016 is expected to be broadly in line with 2015 figures.
Ireland has contributed over €55 million in humanitarian funding to the Syria crisis since 2012 and a further €2.5 million was approved this week. It is expected that funding to the crisis will reach in excess of €62 million in 2016.
Commissioner Christos Stylianides has responsibility for the Directorate-General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), which delivers humanitarian aid on behalf of the EU. See:
ECHO has an annual budget of around €1 billion and provides humanitarian assistance to an estimated 120 million people around the world.
The EU, through ECHO, is one of the largest donors of humanitarian aid globally, including to the major crises in Syria and South Sudan. ECHO also provides assistance to the refugee crisis within the EU by mobilizing EU civil protection channels.
ECHO Factsheet on Turkey: Refugee Crisis: