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Minister Flanagan attends the 11th Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit

Minister to reaffirm Ireland’s commitment to the EU and to engagement with the Asia Pacific region
Governments of 51 countries & secretariats the EU & ASEAN will be represented at the Summit
ASEM brings together elected representatives of two thirds of world's population & almost two thirds of global trade
Ireland now has 13 missions (embassies & consulates) in Asia-Pacific throughout Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, India, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand & Vietnam

Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan, T.D. arrived in Mongolia yesterday to represent Ireland at the 11th Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit, which begins today, 14 July.

Minister Flanagan will speak to the assembled leaders during the Summit on 15 July, taking this opportunity to address the recent referendum result in the UK, to confirm Ireland’s commitment to the European Union, to reinforce Ireland’s commitment to the EU and to developing Ireland’s relationships with its Asian partners. The summit will also offer the Minister the opportunity for informal discussions with EU counterparts who will also be in attendance.

Speaking from Mongolia in advance of the summit, the Minister said:

“This Asia Europe Summit offers the opportunity to reaffirm to our Asian partners our position at the heart of the European Union and the Eurozone. EU membership remains central to the success of our open, competitive economy and has been the foundation for much of the social progress we have made over the last four decades.

“I will convey Ireland’s commitment to work with our EU partners and with the UK to ensure a well-managed withdrawal, with the aim of ensuring a robust and stable EU, as well as a strong EU-UK relationship. In the meantime, Ireland will remain engaged in the Asia Pacific region, and will continue to broaden and deepen our relations with countries in the region.

“Discussions at the Summit will focused on the theme of partnership for the future through connectivity. In the context of current global and regional challenges in both Europe and Asia, it is clear that today it is as important as ever that we remain committed to expanding and extending cooperation between our two regions.”

Press Office
14 July 2016

Note for Editors:
Between 14-16 July the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan, T.D. will travel to Ulaanbaator, Mongolia on behalf of the Taoiseach to represent Ireland at 11th Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) Summit of Heads of State and Government.
ASEM is an informal process of dialogue and cooperation with a membership of 53 including all EU Member States, the EU, Norway, Switzerland, 21 Asian countries and the ASEAN Secretariat, representing half of the world’s GDP, two thirds of the world’s population and almost two thirds of global trade.
The ASEM dialogue addresses political, economic and cultural issues, aimed at strengthening the relationship between the two regions.
ASEM Summits of Heads of State and Government take place every two years, with the venue alternating between Europe and Asia. The most recent Summit was held in Milan in October 2014.
2016 marks the 20th Anniversary of ASEM and the theme of this meeting is “20 Years of ASEM: Partnership for the Future through Connectivity.
While in Mongolia, Minister Flanagan will have the opportunity to meet bilaterally with his counterparts, including the Foreign Ministers of Singapore, Vietnam and New Zealand.