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Minister Flanagan condemns Paris killings

The Minister for Foreign Affair & Trade, Mr. Charlie Flanagan TD, has condemned last night’s murders in Paris.

Speaking from Jerusalem, where he is continuing his working visit to the Middle East, Minister Flanagan said:

“I was saddened and appalled to learn of the killing of a French policeman and his wife in Paris last night. I condemn this horrific attack in the strongest terms. There is no place for such barbarity in our society.

“My thoughts are with the family and loved ones of the victims of this atrocity and in particular with their three year old son who, thankfully, survived this incident.

“My thoughts, and those of the Irish people, are also with the French people as they once again confronted by the spectre of terrorism in their midst.

“The deliberate targeting by terrorists of those who are tasked with protecting us all from extreme elements in our society is particularly disturbing, and should serve as a reminder to us all of the dangers to which members of the security forces, in France and elsewhere, are exposed on a daily basis.

Minister Flanagan continued:

“My Department continues to advise all Irish citizens travelling to France, where a state of emergency remains in place following last November’s terrorist attacks in Paris, and in particular the tens of thousands who have travelled there for the Euro 2016 finals, to exercise a high degree of caution.

“I would urge anyone who is travelling to France to download our new free smartphone travel app ”Travelwise” which is available for download on iOS and Android and which they can use to register with my Department and receive updates on travel advice. Prospective travellers can also register on”.