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Minister Flanagan expresses deep concern at further delay in Halawa case

Minister Flanagan expresses deep concern at further delay in Halawa case
Speaking after today’s hearing of the case of Ibrahim Halawa in Egypt, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charles Flanagan T.D. said:
“I am deeply concerned that the case of Ibrahim Halawa has again been adjourned for a considerable period of time. 
"The constant adjournments in the case are, understandably, a source of concern and frustration for Mr. Halawa and his family, and I share their deep disappointment at today’s news. 
"Ireland’s Ambassador to Egypt Mr. Damien Cole was once again present in the court for today’s hearing and spoke with members of Ibrahim Halawa's family following the adjournment. 
"I want to reassure Ibrahim's family of my own and the Government’s continued commitment to achieving our two objectives: to secure his return to Ireland as soon as possible and to ensure his welfare during his detention. 
"My Department is continuing to provide consular assistance to Ibrahim Halawa through regular prison visits.
"Officials from my Department will continue to work closely with Mr. Halawa’s Egyptian legal team in support of our consular objectives.”