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Minister Flanagan highlights Government Partnership with Irish Council for Prisoners Overseas at 30th Anniversary Conference

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charles Flanagan, TD, delivered the closing address at the 30th Anniversary Conference of the Irish Council for Prisoners Overseas (I.C.P.O.) today (Tuesday).

In his remarks, Minister Flanagan paid tribute to the Council on their work:

“I welcome this opportunity to reiterate our deep appreciation of the sensitive and effective work of I.C.P.O. Your work is of particular importance and value to those members of our community that are most at risk of exclusion.”

Minister Flanagan noted that Irish embassies and consulates, which deal with up to 2,000 consular cases annually, value the partnership of organisations such as the I.C.P.O. and the effective services they provide. He stated:

“…there is almost daily contact between I.C.P.O. officers with officials from my Department – in particular the Consular Division here in Dublin and Embassy London. For a small diplomatic service, having such an effective partner organisation as I.C.P.O. extends the outreach capacity of our Embassy network.”

Since 2003 the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has, through the Emigrant Support Programme, provided almost €3 million in funding towards the Council’s services.

Minister Flanagan paid tribute to the I.C.P.O., thanking its staff “for working so closely over the years with my Department, both at home and abroad, as we assist these particularly vulnerable Irish citizens and their families.”


Notes for Editors:
I.C.P.O. works on behalf of Irish prisoners overseas to provide information, support and advocacy to prisoners and their families.
I.C.P.O. services are provided through the I.C.P.O. main office in Maynooth and the London office, which specifically supports Irish people imprisoned in Britain and their families.
Emigrant Support Programme: Since 1984, the Irish Government has given financial support through its Emigrant Support Programme to voluntary agencies providing advice and welfare services to Irish emigrants overseas.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, working through Ireland’s Embassy Network, coordinates the provision of support to communities abroad and administers the programme. The main focus for funding under the Emigrant Support Programme remains the frontline welfare service providers that support the elderly, and other vulnerable Irish emigrants. In more recent years the programme has also recognised the importance of strong and active Irish communities more generally, funding projects which foster a sense of community, promoting vibrant networks and a sense of Irishness among the Irish abroad. The Emigrant Support Programme funding year runs from 1 July – 30 June. Further details can be found on our website.
The consular services provided by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade to detainees and prisoners overseas are detailed here