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Minister Flanagan holds bilateral meeting with Japanese Foreign Minister Kishida ahead of event to mark the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Ireland and Japan

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade of Ireland, Mr. Charles Flanagan, T.D., has, this evening hosted the Opening Ceremony to mark the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Ireland and Japan. The Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, Mr. Fumio Kishida, attended the event as the Guest of Honour.

Speaking at the event, Minister Flanagan said:

“It is a great honour to welcome Minister Kishida to Ireland on this very special occasion, in what is the first visit by a sitting Japanese Foreign Minister in more than 25 years.

60 years is a very significant landmark in the Japanese calendar, denoting the completion of one cycle of life and the starting of another. This Japanese tradition offers the perfect opportunity to take stock of the excellent relations we have enjoyed over the past 60 years, and to look ahead to the next 60. This anniversary is an occasion to celebrate our strong friendship based on shared values. Foreign Minister Kishida and I had a very useful discussion and together we agreed to strengthen and deepen our ties in the coming years.

I am also delighted to launch a study by the IIEA, commissioned by my Department, which maps the bilateral relationship between Ireland and Japan. It makes for essential reading for anyone interested in the Ireland Japan bilateral relationship, and will serve as a useful guide for those seeking to increase their engagement with Japan.”

Minister Kishida said:

“Over the last 60 years, Japan and Ireland have established a solid cooperative relationship based on shared fundamental values of freedom, democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

In the bilateral meeting with Minister Flanagan earlier this evening, we agreed to work more closely on tackling international issues, such as disarmament and non-proliferation, peace building, and the UK exit from the EU.

In addition, Japan would like to cooperate with Ireland to ensure the smooth business operations of private companies in the UK and the EU in the process of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.”

The Ambassador of Japan to Ireland, Mrs. Mari Miyoshi, and the Ambassador of Ireland to Japan, Anne Barrington, were also in attendance at the Opening Ceremony.

The event incorporated a number of Japanese traditions, and guests enjoyed an exhibition of taiko drumming, accompanied by Irish dancers, a wonderful example of cross-cultural artistic expression.

Notes for Editors:

The Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Ireland
On 2 March 1957, the Ambassador of Japan to the U.K. sent a note to the Ambassador of Ireland to the U.K. proposing to establish diplomatic missions at minister level, and on 5 March 1957, the Ambassador of Ireland to the U.K. sent a reply to the Ambassador of Japan to the U.K. accepting the proposal.

Bilateral Trade and Investment
Bilateral trade between Ireland and Japan totalled €9.8 billion in 2015, and Japan is Ireland’s largest export market in the Asia-Pacific region. There are 79 Japanese companies in Ireland, supporting over 4,000 jobs, and 50 Irish companies in Japan.

JET Programme
Irish graduates have participated in the Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme since 1988. More than 1,200 graduates have participated.

Working Holiday Programme
A Working Holiday Agreement was signed between Ireland and Japan in 2007. Approximately 2,500 Japanese under the age of 30 have availed of the Agreement to travel to and work in Ireland.

IIEA study entitled Celebrating 60 years: Ireland Japan Diplomatic Relations
The study, commissioned by the Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade of Ireland to the Institute of International and European Affairs (IIEA) maps the bilateral relationship between Ireland and Japan in the areas of politics, trade, investment, economics and culture, and identifies opportunities in the coming decades. The study is available online here: