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Minister Flanagan identifies immediate priorities for his Ministry, following his reappointment as Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade

UK referendum on EU Membership & implementation of legacy provisions of N.I. Agreements top agenda

Following his reappointment as Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan has identified his immediate priorities as focusing on the forthcoming UK referendum on EU membership and, following Thursday’s Northern Ireland Assembly Elections, moving forward with the implementation of the Fresh Start and Stormont House Agreements, with particular reference to making progress on establishing the institutions to deal with the legacy of The Past and enhancing cross-border cooperation.

He stated:

“I am delighted to have been reappointed as Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade by An Taoiseach, a role I consider an enormous privilege. I look forward to continuing my focus on the UK referendum on EU membership, a key strategic interest for Ireland. During my recent consultations with Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond and British Labour Party Parliamentarians, I was assured that Irish voices were very welcome in the ‘Brexit’ debate. In the coming weeks, I intend to continue to work with various Irish stakeholders and to visit regional cities in Britain to make our views known and encourage a well informed debate, while at all times respecting that the decision is a matter for UK voters.

“This week we are learning the results of the Northern Ireland Assembly Elections. I wish the Northern Ireland parties well as they now work on a Programme for Government and prepare to establish a new Executive. I am acutely conscious of the Irish Government’s role as co-guarantor of the Good Friday Agreement and I look forward to again working closely with the incoming Northern Ireland Executive in the interests of the people of this island, north and south.”