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Minister Flanagan in Belfast for discussions on the outcome of the UK referendum and the implementation of the Fresh Start Agreement

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade Mr. Charlie Flanagan TD, will travel to Belfast tomorrow (Wednesday) for a number of political meetings.

Minister Flanagan and Secretary of State Villiers will have a bilateral meeting to discuss a range of issues, including the outcome of the UK referendum and its impact for Northern Ireland, ongoing work on the legacy of the past and other historic cases.

The Minister and Secretary of State will then participate in a Review Meeting with the First and deputy First Minister, as NI Executive party leaders. This meeting will consider the progress made on implementation of the Stormont House and Fresh Start Agreements, including on key areas such as ending para-militarism, dealing with the legacy of the Past and the Irish Government’s significant commitments to North South infrastructural development.

The Review meeting agenda will also include a discussion on the outcome of last week’s UK referendum on membership of the EU.

The referendum outcome will also be the focus of individual meetings which Minister Flanagan will hold with Colum Eastwood MLA, leader of the SDLP, and David Ford MLA, leader of the Alliance Party.

Speaking ahead of his visit Minister Flanagan said:

“My meetings tomorrow are a welcome opportunity to demonstrate the continuing priority the Government attaches to the ongoing work to support stability, reconciliation and prosperity in Northern Ireland, through the full implementation of the Good Friday Agreement and subsequent agreements.

It is also my first visit since last Thursday’s referendum and I want again to reassure people that the Irish Government in its contacts with EU partners continues to emphasise that the Northern Ireland and all-island dimensions will be an area for priority attention in all post-referendum negotiations processes, including in relation to the status of the border."