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Minister Flanagan Invites Passport Service Users to Participate in Customer Service Survey

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan T.D., has today invited users of the Passport Service to give their views on it. The findings of an online Customer Service Survey, which is currently at, will be used to help improve standards of customer service and shape the ongoing reform of how Irish passports are produced and delivered.

Minister Flanagan said:

“Last year I announced that a comprehensive Reform Programme would be undertaken by the Passport Service, to ensure that we can meet Irish citizens’ passport needs over the next ten years.

“The Reform Programme is now underway and a combined capital and current budget of €18.6 million for the 2016-2018 period is in place. As part of the Reform Programme, I also announced more recently that introduction of an online facility for adult passport renewal applications is planned for the first quarter of 2017.

“With the launch of this Customer Service Survey, we are seeking the public’s assistance in determining the future of the Reform Programme. The results of the survey will act as a voice for our citizens and provide a strong base for forward-thinking initiatives that will transform Ireland’s Passport Service over the next decade. I hope that users of the Service will take the opportunity to share their views with us online at .”

The Customer Service Survey is scheduled to run until 31 August, and comprises 8 short questions that focus on a range of issues such turnaround times, online applications, fee levels and customer service experiences. An option is also offered for survey participants to give additional feedback on other passport-related issues.

The Passport Service will carry out further customer service surveys at regular intervals in the future, with the aim of measuring customer satisfaction, assessment of areas where service has improved and areas for additional improvement.

Notes for Editors:
Demand for Irish passport services continues to increase significantly, with 669,806 Irish passports and 13,538 new Passport Cards issued in 2015. The number of Irish passports issued last year amounted to a 6.41% increase over 2014 volumes.
Under the Reform Programme announced by Minister Flanagan in October 2015, the Passport Service is committed to delivering a more efficient, predictable and citizen-focused service. The Passport Service is also increasing its focus on fraud detection and on prevention measures to maintain the integrity of the Irish passport.
Specific measures already undertaken as part of the Reform Programme announced by Minister Flanagan in October 2015 include the Irish Passport Card (further details available at
In addition to its dedicated website ( / ), the Passport Service also operates a Twitter presence (@PassportIRL). This has attracted 16.4K followers to date and is used by the Passport Service to communicate directly with Irish citizens about their passport requirements.