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Minister Flanagan launches €2m SFI-NSFC partnership

Minister convenes Export Trade Council to look at potential trade growth in Asia Pacific

This evening (Tuesday) at Iveagh House, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan TD, launched a new €2 million partnership between Science Foundation Ireland and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC). This initiative will support collaborative research projects between researchers in Ireland and the People’s Republic of China.

The Minister also hosted an Asia Pacific business networking event, to facilitate exchanges with the wider private sector on economic opportunities in the region for Ireland.

He stated:

“This partnership agreement is a concrete example of the potential and appetite for collaboration between organisations in Ireland and Asia, which we as a Government are committed to further develop and encourage. I want to commend SFI for their work in bringing this about and I look forward to welcoming Chinese scientists to Ireland under this agreement.”

The launch took place following an Export Trade Council (ETC) meeting convened by Minister Flanagan to examine the growth potential of the Asia-Pacific market. Speaking after the meeting, Minister Flanagan stated:

“Today’s ETC provided a valuable opportunity for heads of mission to engage directly in a wide ranging discussion on the challenges and opportunities of doing business in Asia. In particular, we focussed on China, Japan and the ten ASEAN economies.

“Total exports of goods and services from Ireland to the Asia Pacific region exceeded €20 billion in 2014 and continue to grow. Ireland’s Embassies in the region play a key role in opening markets and promoting Irish trade and investment there, in close partnership with the State Agencies. I asked Ireland’s Ambassadors to China and Japan to brief the Export Trade Council today on the work they and State Agencies carry out in-market on behalf of Ireland. I plan to draw on those insights as part of the whole-of-Government Asia-Pacific strategy under the Programme for Government.

We also had a very constructive discussion on Brexit updating members on recent Government actions and engagement and the budgetary measures introduced to counteract any potential negative impacts on our economy.”

Press Office
18 October 2016

Note for Editors:

The Export Trade Council (ETC), which is chaired by the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charles Flanagan, T.D, was established in 2011 in order to strengthen cooperation and coordination across all Government Departments and State agencies involved in the promotion of trade, tourism and inward investment. It brings together senior Ministers with an economic focus, the heads of the State agencies involved in promoting trade, tourism, investment and education abroad with the support of the Embassy network, and members drawn from the private sector, including IBEC, the Irish Exporters Association and a number of business people with expertise in specific sectoral areas.