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Minister Flanagan looks forward to European Council on the UK negotiations

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade commented on discussions at today’s European Council which will try to agree a deal on the UK negotiations and will also consider the migration crisis. Speaking after a Cabinet meeting this morning Minister Flanagan said:

“Today’s EU summit is crucial. Ireland’s position on the EU-UK relationship is well known: it is in our best interests and the interests of the EU as a whole, that the UK should remain a Member of our Union. It has been the clear objective of the Government to work towards that outcome and the Taoiseach will be working to that end in the negotiations in Brussels over the next two days.

"The Government has extensively engaged on this issue; at official level, at Ministerial level and at the meetings between the Taoiseach and Prime Minister Cameron. In my discussions with the British Foreign Secretary I have stressed that it is in all our interests to reach a deal that satisfies the needs of both the UK and the EU.

"The draft texts prepared earlier this month by European Council President Tusk have provided an excellent basis for the detailed negotiations that have been progressing in recent weeks, where Ireland has played an active and constructive role. As part of the negotiations process Ireland, like all other partners, has been engaging in careful analysis of the draft texts and their implications, including of course in relation to the impact on Irish citizens on this island and in Britain."

Minister Flanagan continued:

“The European Council will also discuss the latest developments in relation to the migration crisis which is an issue of the highest priority for the EU and for Ireland. We have to see progress on the implementation of decisions that have already been taken.”