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Minister Flanagan meets Gardaí in advance of counter-terrorism exercise

This morning (Friday) the Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan TD, met with senior Garda management to discuss today’s live training exercise by An Garda Síochána in Dublin City centre. He addressed the Gardaí taking part in the exercise prior to its commencement.

The Minister said:

"Today's exercise is a clear demonstration of the robust Garda capability in responding to critical incidents. The front-line and armed response in these scenarios is backed up by sophisticated command and control arrangements and the range of other Garda resources, including communications and air support.

“While a terrorist attack here may be unlikely, the authorities are in no way complacent in the measures being taken to respond to that threat.

“Planning and preparedness by the Garda Authorities for such incidents extends across the Garda organisation and engages also with other key stakeholders, including the Defence Forces and the other emergency services. The exercise today is part of an ongoing process of planning and training that to a large extent takes place quietly and behind the scenes. That said this work goes on relentlessly.

“I hope the public nature of today's exercise will provide reassurance with regard to measures that are in place in this regard.

“The women and men of An Garda Síochána fulfil a role that is essential to the State, ensuring community safety and protecting our security. That can be dangerous job but they have a proud record in doing it and I will continue to support them in their work on our behalf."