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Minister Flanagan meets with EU Foreign Ministers in Luxembourg to discuss Colombia and migration

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charlie Flanagan, TD attended a meeting of EU Foreign Ministers in Luxembourg, where Colombia and migration were discussed. The Council also met with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Mr. Filippo Grandi.

Speaking after the meeting, Minister Flanagan said:

“ It is vital that the EU continues to address the migration challenge in a comprehensive way including the root causes of violence, poverty and insecurity. During our discussion with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, I discussed preparations for the UN Summit on addressing large movements of refugees and migrants which will take place in September and which is being co-facilitated by Ireland. We believe strongly that it is only by working in a spirit of equality and partnership with countries of origin that long term solutions will be found. The summit will be an important opportunity for countries of origin, transit and destination to reach agreement on a way forward.”

EU Foreign Ministers also met with the Colombian government’s chief peace negotiator, Dr Sergio Jaramillo, and the EU Special Envoy to the Colombian Peace Process, Mr Eamon Gilmore. Minister Flanagan said:

“We had a good discussion on recent developments in the peace process in Colombia with the Colombian government’s High Commissioner for Peace. I reiterated Ireland’s steadfast support for the Colombian peace talks. Ireland intends to contribute to the EU Trust Fund for Colombia which will be launched once a peace deal is signed.

"I also expressed appreciation for the work of Eamon Gilmore in his role as EU Special Envoy. Mr Gilmore is tasked with providing visibility for the diverse strands of the EU’s efforts in the country and conveying the EU’s political support for the peace process, bringing to bear his experience in peacebuilding and reconciliation on this island."