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Minister Flanagan meets with Maltese Prime Minister and Foreign Minister

The Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade, Mr. Charlie Flanagan TD, met this evening, along with the Taoiseach and Minister of State Dara Murphy, with the Maltese Prime Minister, Mr. Joseph Muscat and the Maltese Minister for Foreign Affairs , Mr George Vella.

Speaking after the meeting, Minister Flanagan said:

“We had a very productive meeting with the visiting Maltese delegation this evening.

“It was a timely opportunity to discuss issues of mutual interest, including, of course, the impact of Brexit on our respective countries and on the European Union. We outlined Ireland’s concerns and priorities, as we have done with all of our EU partners since the UK vote to leave the EU.

“We also discussed the forthcoming Maltese Presidency of the European Union in the first half of 2017. As smaller Member States of the European Union, the Presidency presents unique challenges for us but I am sure that Malta’s Presidency will be a successful and positive experience for them, as our Presidencies always have been for us.

“Ireland and Malta have much in common, and meetings such as this evening’s provide a welcome opportunity to further deepen the already good relationship between our two countries. “

Press Office
29 November 2016

Notes for Editors:

The Prime Minister of Malta, Mr Joseph Muscat, will make a working visit to Ireland on 28 and 29 November. The Prime Minister will be accompanied by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for European Affairs and Implementation for the Electoral Manifesto, Mr Louis Grech, and the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr George Vella.

During his visit, Prime Minister Muscat will hold discussions with the Taoiseach Enda Kenny, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Charlie Flanagan T.D. and the Minister of State for European Affairs, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection Mr Dara Murphy, T.D.

Malta will assume the rotating Presidency of the European Union on 1 January 2017, taking over from Slovakia who currently hold the Presidency. The visit takes place as a part of a round of pre-Presidency discussions by the Maltese, who are expected to travel from Ireland to Berlin tomorrow.