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Minister Flanagan notes the adjournment of the Ibrahim Halawa case until Saturday

Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr Charlie Flanagan, TD, spoke today following the further adjournment in the case of Irish citizen Ibrahim Halawa in Egypt.

“I understand that the case of Ibrahim Halawa has been adjourned until this Saturday.

“Ireland’s Ambassador to Egypt, Damien Cole, represented the Irish Government at today’s hearing in Cairo and spoke directly both with Ibrahim’s family and with his Egyptian lawyer.

“Officials from the Embassy have attended all hearings to date and this Irish citizen and his family have been the recipients of comprehensive consular assistance from my Department. Embassy officials have paid 48 consular visits to Mr Halawa, most recently on 23 November. This level of attendance and consular visitation underlines the importance the Government attaches to the case. My Department will continue to provide consular assistance to Mr Halawa and his family, and will continue to try to secure positive progress for him at the earliest possible date.

“In my intensive engagement with my Egyptian counterpart Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry, I have always emphasised our wish to see Mr Halawa released by the Egyptian authorities and I have highlighted the Government’s concern regarding the length of time Mr Halawa has spent in detention. The Egyptian Government – including through contacts between the Taoiseach and President al-Sisi - is in no doubt as to the Irish Government’s strong interest in Mr Halawa’s welfare.”