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Minister Flanagan publishes the Probation Service Strategy 2018-2020

The Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan, today published the Annual Reports of the Probation Service and Irish Prison Service together with the Joint Irish Prison Service / Probation Service Strategic Plan 2018-2020, and the Probation Service Strategic Plan 2018-2020.

Welcoming the plans, the Minister said that

“it is imperative that agencies such as the Prison Service and Probation Service have effective interventions and programmes in place that work in tackling the problems of offenders, and reduce reoffending and victimisation”. 

All the agencies working in the criminal justice system share the goal of helping to create a safer, fairer and more inclusive Ireland. Interagency co-operation between the justice partners, has a significant contribution in making our streets, homes, businesses and communities more secure.

The Minister referred in particular to the Joint Irish Prison Service/Probation Service Strategic Plan 2018-2020, the third joint strategy between these agencies. 

He said

“this is an excellent example of agencies working together.  The Strategic Objective of the Plan is to have a multi-agency approach to offender management and rehabilitation from pre to post imprisonment in order to reduce re-offending and improve prisoner outcomes.”  

The successful resettlement of offenders demands an integrated approach.  The Strategy sets out an ambitious set of actions to achieve improved outcomes to the benefit of Irish society.  The Strategy identifies 9 strategic actions:

  •   Improve Service Management
  •   Maximise joint working between the Irish Prison Service and Probation Service
  •   Develop a range of responses for female offenders
  •   Enhance engagement with victims of crime
  •   Develop innovative responses for specific groups of offenders
  •   Enhance the employability of offenders
  •   Engaging Service users
  •   Promoting research and evaluation
  •   Improve the provision of Drug & Alcohol Services in Prison and the community.

The Minister also referred to the Probation Service Strategy 2018-2020 and


“The Strategy provides a clear programme of work for the Service, promoting evidence informed practice, and a commitment to continuous improvement in the organisation.” 

The Minister also published the Probation Service Annual Report 2017 and the Irish Prison Service Annual Report 2017 which set out the key achievements by both agencies during 2017.