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Minister Flanagan to attend Eastern Partnership Ministerial and EU Foreign Affairs Council

Minister to discuss Eastern Partnership, Migration, EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy, and Syria, Iraq and ISIL/Da’esh

The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr. Charlie Flanagan TD, is in Brussels today to attend a meeting of EU Foreign Affairs Ministers. Migration, the EU Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy, and the situation in Syria, Iraq and the threat posed by ISIL/Da’esh are on the agenda.

Speaking in advance of the meeting, Minister Flanagan said:

“The international environment in which the EU operates has changed profoundly in the last five years. Many of the challenges we face – including terrorism and migration - can be traced back to a mix of repression and denial of basic human rights; poor governance and corruption; poverty and underdevelopment. The time is right for a review of the EU’s foreign and security policy to ensure that we have a medium to long term strategy to address these root causes of instability. I look forward to discussing this with the EU High Representative, Federica Mogherini, who is leading the process.”

“Tackling Da’esh and the terrorist threat posed to the citizens of Europe and the Middle East requires a comprehensive approach which fulfils the UN counter terrorism mandate and addresses regional instability, insecurity and the fragility of key state institutions in a number of regional States in the Middle East, including Iraq and Syria.”

“The EU must continue to address the migration challenge in a comprehensive and coordinated way. This also has to include comprehensive longer term solutions and I look forward to discussing how to further strengthen co-operation with the countries of origin and transit.”

Minister Flanagan will also attend the Eastern Partnership ministerial meeting in advance of the Foreign Affairs Council. Minister Flanagan said:

“Ireland is very supportive of the Eastern Partnership as a flexible and inclusive framework for cooperation and dialogue with our Eastern Neighbours. It is important that the Eastern Partnership continues to incentivise reform for these countries and I look forward to discussing progress with the six member countries concerned”.