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Minister Flanagan to attend special Council of Europe meeting on Turkey

  • - Minister describes attempted coup as ‘an attack on democracy’ 
  • - Minister stresses the need for Turkey to uphold the core values of democracy in its response the attempted coup

The Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Mr Charlie Flanagan T.D., will today (Wednesday), 7 September, represent Ireland at a special Council of Europe meeting of Foreign Affairs Ministers in Strasbourg where the situation in Turkey will be the focus of discussions.

Speaking in advance of the meeting, Minister Flanagan said:

“The attempted coup in Turkey on 15 July, like the terrorist attacks in Turkey before and since, was a criminal attack on democracy and Ireland was clear in its condemnation at that time.

“It is essential that the core values of democracy be protected in the aftermath of the attempted coup. In my contribution at today’s Council of Europe meeting in Strasbourg, I will express my concern about the large number of arrests and detentions. I will reiterate that the values championed by the Council of Europe must be upheld – respect for the rule of law and protection of human rights and freedoms, including freedom of the media and freedom of expression.

“I look forward to engaging with Minister Çavuşoğlu today and making clear that Ireland supports a stable Turkish State characterised by democratic norms.”

Notes for editors: 

The Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Çavuşoğlu is scheduled to address a special meeting of ministers at the Council of Europe on the aftermath of the failed coup attempt on 15 July.
Since the coup attempt, Turkey has been the focus of considerable international attention. The wave of arrests and detentions of military and police, university professors, civil servants and journalists has caused considerable disquiet. Turkey has been discussed in both the OSCE and the European Union, as focus turns to the aftermath of the coup, including on the need for respect for human rights, freedom of expression and other democratic norms.
The Secretary General of the council of Europe, Thorbjorn Jagland visited Turkey on 3 August and acknowledged that Turkey needed to bring the perpetrators to justice, and said that this must be done in line with European Convention on Human Rights.