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Minister Flanagan welcomes important new Court Covid-19 measures

• The measures include additional urgent cases to be heard by the courts including family law and insolvency cases, extended virtual remote court hearings and further health related measures.

The Minister for Justice and Equality, Charlie Flanagan TD, welcomed today’s statements by the Chief Justice, the Court Presidents and the Courts Service outlining the next steps being undertaken to extend court services in a gradual and responsible way.

The Minister said,

I appreciate the difficulties that the public health emergency is causing for the many people who both rely on and work in providing critical court services.
The business of the courts is of fundamental importance and therefore I welcome the announcement of these important measures to ensure continuity of access to justice during the current public health emergency. I welcome the statements by the Presidents, which show that the right balance has been struck in providing essential frontline services and access to justice, while ensuring the safety of service users and essential staff.
The continued expansion of remote hearings and physical distancing measure is welcome. It is particularly important that maintenance, domestic abuse and insolvency matters can now be dealt with as a matter of urgency for those experiencing these difficult matters.
I know that for many people, issues in respect of Court Orders for access and custody have been of particular concern and I believe that the new measures in respect of family law and child care cases will provide greater clarity and reassurance to many people.
I believe that the measures announced today will ensure that the courts continue to respond to the current health emergency in an agile, innovative and sustained manner for the people who both use and deliver their services. 

Note for Editors: The full statements are available at