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Minister Flanagan Welcomes Top Rating for Passport Service in CXi Survey

The Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade, Mr. Charlie Flanagan TD, has warmly welcomed the findings of the CXi survey released today which placed the Passport Service as top ranked in the Irish public sector in terms of customer experience.

The Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade, Mr. Charlie Flanagan TD, has warmly welcomed the Passport Service being named as the Irish public sector’s top-ranked customer experience.

The Passport Service came number one out of 42,000 customer experiences in the CXi survey, which was undertaken in June.

The survey reviewed 170 brands across 10 sectors in Ireland, and evaluated how well organisations provided convenience, met expectations, resolved difficulties and understood customer needs.

Welcoming the findings, Minister Flanagan said:

“This survey confirms that the Passport Service delivers very strongly in terms of facilitating travel for citizens, sometimes in urgent circumstances and ensuring that applicants are properly advised about their passport entitlements.

“Since being appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs & Trade, I have witnessed at first hand the professionalism and dedication of Passport Service staff and their commitment to delivering a friendly and efficient service to the Irish public.

“This ranking is a tribute to the hard work of the teams in the Passport Offices in Dublin, Cork and Balbriggan. This is particularly so this year when we have seen an increase in passport applications of more than 10% over last year.

“In line with its commitment to delivering the best service possible, the Passport Service has introduced a number of significant innovations in recent years, including the introduction of the Passport Card and the on-line appointments system in offices.

“We will not be resting on our laurels and are committed to constantly improving the service. Further innovations are on the way, including the introduction of on-line applications in 2017. I am sure that this will further reinforce the positive customer experience.”

The Minister also congratulated An Post, who were ranked in third in the survey. An Post is a key partner of the Department in the delivery of Passport Express services.

Notes to Editor:

The level of demand for passports increased in 2016 on previous years, with an overall increase of 12% in applications to-date in comparison with the same period last year.
An online customer survey conducted by the Passport Service and which targeted 1,000 respondents showed that more than 80% of people contacted indicated that they were either satisfied or very satisfied with the service.
The survey is available here