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Minister Foley chairs her first North-South Ministerial Council Sectoral meeting on Education

Minister Foley chairs her first North-South Ministerial Council Sectoral meeting on Education


“I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Council to progress cooperation on education issues to the mutual benefit of students on the island of Ireland” – Foley


The Minister for Education Norma Foley TD chaired an Education Sectoral Meeting of the North South Ministerial Council today. It was the first such meeting in relation to Education since 2016. Given the present public health restrictions, the meeting was held via video conference.


The meeting was attended by the Northern Ireland Minister for Education, Peter Weir MLA, who was accompanied by Northern Ireland Minster for the Communities, Carál Ní Chuilín MLA.


The three Ministers took the opportunity to review ongoing cross-border cooperation between the education systems, North and South, in addition to looking ahead to further opportunities for collaboration under the EU’s PEACE PLUS funding programme.


Minister Foley said: “I am delighted to have chaired such a positive meeting with Minister Weir and Minister Ní Chuilín today.


“Since March, the Education Departments North and South have been sharing views and experiences in responding to the impact of Covid-19 on the delivery of education to pupils on this island.


“This was an occasion to acknowledge this cooperation, but also to pay tribute to school leaders, teachers and school communities who have played a critical part in re-opening and sustaining the safe operation of our schools.


“In the midst of the challenges we have all faced in recent times, it is important to highlight the huge successes of our schools in sustaining teaching and learning and serving our student and communities so well. There is a strong history of cooperation and collaboration between education professionals on both sides of the border. I assured Ministers at the meeting today of my determination that this should continue.”


A copy of the Joint Communiqué from the meeting is available on the North South Ministerial Council website (