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Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Dr Katherine Zappone announces ‘key partnership’ with National Parents Council ‘to give parent’s a voice in early years care and education’

  • National Parents Council to provide dedicated supports to parents of children in early years settings 
  • Series of workshops for parents with children ‘transitioning’ from pre-school to primary to commence immediately 
  • Further dedicated supports to follow later in the year. 

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Dr Katherine Zappone has welcomed ‘a key new partnership’ between her department and the National Parents Council.
Speaking on the launch of this new partnership Dr Zappone said:

“My department works closely with childcare providers, practitioners and the various organisations that are working hard to represent and develop the world class early years sector that Ireland deserves.

This new partnership with the National Parents Council, who for years have strongly advocated on behalf of parents at primary level, will provide a clear pathway for parents with children in pre-schools, crèches and with childminders to have their voices heard at the highest level. I feel it represents a significant, progressive step forward.”

As part of the new supports on offer, the National Parents Council will be rolling out a series of workshops for parents who have children moving from pre-school settings to primary education. CEO of the NPC, Áine Lynch remarked:

“We have rolled out a similar programme for parents with children moving from primary to post primary which has been positively received and we feel that the move into primary school also represents a key milestone. Supporting this transition will hopefully assist the best possible start for parents and their children on their journey at primary level.”

Ms Lynch added:

“The growth of the early years sector in Ireland has been phenomenal in recent years. The range of supports now available for children, their parents and services compared to five years ago is wonderful, but this also presents challenges for parents to navigate the range of supports on offer. We will be working closely with the DCYA to offer up to date advice and information to parents going forward”.

Parents can find out more about the National Parents Council and their new Transitions workshops by visiting
Information on the current range of childcare supports available to families can be found at