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Minister for Defence, Mr. Simon Coveney, T.D., secures Government approval for the Deployment of a Naval Vessel to Assist in the Humanitarian Crisis in the Mediterranean

The Government at today’s meeting (6 April 2016) approved a proposal from the Minister for Defence, Mr. Simon Coveney, T.D., for the despatch of an Irish Naval vessel with a crew comprising approximately sixty (60) personnel of the Permanent Defence Force to undertake humanitarian search and rescue tasks in the Mediterranean, subject to finalisation of operational arrangements. 

Following the Government Decision the Minister commented “The humanitarian crisis in the Mediterranean continues to be of great concern to Ireland and to our EU partners. I am anxious that we would resume support to Italy in the search and rescue activities in the Mediterranean”.
The Minister went on to say that “Subject to finalisation of operational arrangements, a Naval Vessel will be despatched to the Mediterranean within the next month.”

The proposed deployment will involve naval vessel rotation. Subject to the operational demands and requirements of the mission, it is intended that there will be two rotations (i.e. 3 Naval Service vessels deployed) with each deployment lasting approximately 12 weeks.  The first vessel to deploy will be the L.É. Róisín.

The Minister went on to say “The despatch of an Irish naval vessel represents a tangible and valuable Irish national contribution to assisting with the continuing migration crisis in the Mediterranean.”
Note to Editor
The statutory authority for the despatch of a contingent or member of the Permanent Defence Force for humanitarian operations, under the authority of the Government, is set out in section 3 (1) (f) of the Defence (Amendment) Act 2006. The legal provisions in relation to the deployment of a Naval Vessel are limited to a deployment on a humanitarian mission.
The role of the Irish Naval vessel will be similar to that undertaken in 2015 i.e. to provide a search and rescue capability and to undertake humanitarian rescue operations at sea in the Mediterranean. Assistance to persons in distress at sea will be provided in accordance with the applicable provisions of international conventions governing search and rescue situations.
Following a Government Decision in May 2015, the Irish Naval Vessel, L.É. Eithne, was deployed to the Mediterranean on 16 May 2015 to assist the Italian Authorities with the migrant crisis. Two further vessels were deployed subsequently – L.É. Niamh and L.É.  Samuel Beckett.   The Irish Naval Service deployment was completed at the end of November 2015.  A total of 8,592 migrants were rescued over the period of deployment.