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Minister for Education and Skills opens Education and Training Board Nominations Process

The Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh T.D. today announced a process for relevant bodies to apply to nominate suitably qualified and experienced persons to fill vacancies on the boards of local Education and Training Boards (ETBs).

As provided for under legislation, the Minister of Education and Skills can specify a number of bodies which, in his opinion, have a special interest in, or knowledge of, education and training. These bodies can then nominate suitable qualified persons for membership of an ETB board.

Five members of each ETB are appointed in this manner. Three of these members must be appointed from nominations by bodies representing the following groups:

  • Business, industry and employers
  • Learners
  • Management of or leadership in recognised schools.

Minister McHugh said:

Our 16 education and training boards play a vital role in the governance of and management of schools and further education colleges around Ireland.  Under the Act, membership of our ETBs includes representation of bodies that have a special interest in, or knowledge of education and training.  This must include representation of learners, of employers and of those involved in the management of recognised schools.

I urge organisations that feel that they meet the criteria and can nominate individuals who have expertise, knowledge, experiences and insights that will be valuable to our education system to come forward and apply to this process. If accepted, they will be able to nominate members to the boards of our ETBs for consideration. Our ETBs’ governance structure should  encompasses a broad range of views and stakeholders and reflects the diversity of those living and learning in our communities. This is a real opportunity to shape that and I hope to see many organisations applying to be part of this process.

Candidates for positions on ETB boards are to be appointed for a term similar to that of local authority members, normally around five years.

Expressions of interest received from bodies wishing to become a specified nominating body under the Act will be assessed. The Minister for Education and Skills will then specify a number of bodies he deems appropriate to nominate suitably qualified persons to fill vacancies on the boards of Educational Training Boards (ETBs).

Further information and an application form can be accessed through the Department of Education and Skills website:

The closing date for the receipt of applications is close of business Thursday 13th June 2019.