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Minister for Equality emphasises need to promote diversity management in the workplace

· Work on the development of a new LGBTI Inclusion Strategy to begin shortly;
· New National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy in its final phase of development;
· New and updated Migrant Integration Strategy is due to be completed shortly.

The Minister of State for Justice with special responsibility for Equality, Immigration, and Integration, David Stanton TD spoke today at the 7th EU Diversity Charters’ Annual Forum at Dublin Castle.
Addressing the forum the Minister emphasised the need to promote diversity management in the workplace and how “having diverse workforces can be a powerful engine for productivity and harmony if organisations are led and managed appropriately”.
The Minister is currently overseeing the implementation and ongoing development of equality legislation in Ireland which will have clear implications in the workplace. Amendments are currently being considered to the Equal Status Acts and the Employment Equality Acts in the Equality/Disability (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill which will prohibit discrimination against transgender persons specifically.
The Minister will also shortly commence work with his officials and the relevant NGO's on the development of a new LGBTI Inclusion Strategy on an inter-Departmental basis.
In relation to the new National Traveller and Roma Inclusion Strategy the Minister said that the Strategy is in its final phase of development and a draft will be submitted to Government by the end of 2016. €1 million in additional funding has been obtained by the Minister in Budget 2017 to support Traveller initiatives which brings the total fund available to some €3 million.
The Minister said “there is ongoing dialogue between Ireland and the European Commission on Traveller and Roma issues ... yesterday there was a series of bilateral meetings, coordinated by my officials, with a visiting delegation from the European Commission, some of whom are present at this conference today.”
In relation to the integration of migrants in Ireland, a new and updated Migrant Integration Strategy is due to be completed shortly which the Minister said will include “a strong anti-racism component with specific areas for action to promote intercultural awareness and to combat racism and xenophobia”. The Minister added that “we need to work together to counter unfounded negative reactions and fears... Diversity, if it is not handled fairly and appropriately, can lead to isolation of those most unable to deal with it.”
The Minister pointed to the importance of social media policies in the workplace to guard against negative commentary and exclusionary behaviour stating that “unfortunately, the amazing power of technology (including social media) is now often harnessed to spread invective, hurtful mistruths and sexist and racist insults.... I would urge you to ensure that your employees are made aware of the dangers of engaging in such negative and corrosive behaviour. I would also recommend that those of you who do not already enforce social media policies in your organisations to guard against negative commentary should do so as soon as possible.”
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